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Jeff Bush, Principal

Phone: 651-744-7586 


Mr. Bush brings a wealth of experience in helping all students feel represented and accepted for who they are. He has served as a leader in education for more than 15 years as a school principal, with extensive experience in online education as an executive director, and most recently, as senior director and Head of School for Insight School of Washington, in Tacoma, Washington.

Mr. Bush understands the importance of collaborating with staff and families and embracing the unique gifts that each student brings. He has spent his career developing online education programs in an equitable way so that all students are able to access a quality education at any time from anywhere.

Mr. Bush looks forward to partnering with families, students, staff and the community to build a successful, inclusive online school option for high school students in SPPS.

Mr. Bush has excellent academic qualifications with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and secondary education from Iowa State University and a Master of Education degree in educational leadership from Drake University.

John Osorio, Assistant Principal


Phone: 651-744-6368


Greetings Online School parents and students.  It is my pleasure to serve you for a second school year.  Thanks for the opportunity to work with you and your children.

A little about me:

I have been working for Saint Paul Public Schools for 26 years.  I started working, in the district, as a Latino Consent Decree/EL teacher at Phalen Lake elementary school.  I worked for the SPPS Tech Department for two years. I was the Assistant Principal for EXPO, Paul & Sheila Wellstone, and French Immersion elementary schools.  I was the Principal of the Spanish Immersion in Robbinsdale for a year before returning to Saint Paul Public Schools. I worked with several Area Super Intendents and multiple SPPS departments during the Covid pandemic in Saint Paul.  It is my second year at the SPPS Online School.

I was born in Colombia, South America.  I have 4 siblings.  I have two children.  I came to the US to grow academically and professionally.  I love being from two different cultures.  I visit my family often in Colombia while enjoying my children in the US.

I studied teaching and education back  in Colombia.  I completed my master program in Teaching and Learning in the US.  I also completed my Admin license to become an Assistant Principal/Principal in the US.  I am now finishing a master program in technology and curriculum integration.  Besides teaching and being an administrator, I am a computer programmer, network admin, web master, interpreter, and translator.

It is indeed my pleasure to belong to the SPPS Online School.  I am at your service.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me any time.