Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the SPPS Online School?
- How do I enroll?
- If I live outside of the SPPS attendance area, can I enroll in the SPPS Online School?
- Can my student transfer back to their regular school mid-year?
- Is there a Pre-K enrollment option?
What is the SPPS Online School?
How do I enroll?
If I live outside of the SPPS attendance area, can I enroll in the SPPS Online School?
Can my student transfer back to their regular school mid-year?
Is there a Pre-K enrollment option?
- How will online classes work?
- How will my student receive their iPad?
- Who will be teaching at the SPPS Online School?
- What types of courses will be available?
- Will there be immersion or other specialty magnet instruction?
- Will the SPPS Online School offer band and/or choir?
- Will students be able to participate in athletics?
- Will the SPPS Online School be on the same calendar as traditional SPPS schools?
- How will school attendance be documented?
- How will grading work?
- Will my student be on track for graduation?
- Will my student be expected to take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments and other district-wide assessments?
How will online classes work?
How will my student receive their iPad?
Who will be teaching at the SPPS Online School?
What types of courses will be available?
Will there be immersion or other specialty magnet instruction?
Will the SPPS Online School offer band and/or choir?
Will students be able to participate in athletics?
Will the SPPS Online School be on the same calendar as traditional SPPS schools?
How will school attendance be documented?
How will grading work?
Will my student be on track for graduation?
Will my student be expected to take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments and other district-wide assessments?
Support Services
- What is the family expectation on supporting my child in the SPPS Online School?
- Where can my students go during the day if I can’t stay home with them?
- How will students’ social and emotional needs be met while learning online?
- Will school support services including special education and English learner programs and services be available?
- Will my student have access to the support identified in their individualized education plan?
- Will there be any in-person learning supports available?