Special Education
The Online Elementary School provides a variety of individualized support for students receiving special education services. Our services include the areas of Developmental Delay (DD), Speech and Language Disorder (SL), Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD), Other Health Disability (OHD), Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), Visually Impaired and Physically Impaired (PI). Within these areas we also provide occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, social work, and physical therapy. The level of service is based on the individual needs of the student in these areas. The following are the teachers and related service providers who support our students receiving special education services the Online Elementary School.
Kimberly Zallaps-Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Cognitive Disabilities, Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
Megan Schmelzer- Specific Learning Disabilities, Other Health Disabilities,
Stephany Abbas- Social Worker
Caroline Koziol- Speech and Language Pathologist
eL Warnest- hard of hearing
Sora Samejima- Occupational Therapist
Megan Shepperd- Physical Therapist
Ronald McGinnis- Adaptive Physical Education