Freshman Focus
Course Summary
Throughout the freshman year we will explore many of the character-building strategies that are needed to prepare for the high school and college & career readiness process. We will be creating a cohesive community of support that will improve the high school experience and enhance the learning process throughout the entire school day. Throughout the course of the year we will be studying why and how we learn, improve study strategies with proven techniques that will prepare students for post-secondary life, and engage in activities and assignments that will ensure students are prepared holistically for life after high school.
Teachers work collaboratively to develop a variety of techniques, focusing on Global Contexts, especially critical thinking and reflection. Students take responsibility for their learning through individual and group work, addressing unit and guiding questions, expanding on their critical thinking skills, and building on their self-advocacy.
Methods of Assessment
Students will engage in summative assessments for each unit. Examples of summative assessments can include: projects, research papers, essays, case studies, presentations and/or primary document analysis. Summative assessments will represent 80% of the total student grade for each quarter of the course. Students will also engage in formative assessments for each unit, which will help students develop skills and knowledge, and indicate progress toward the summative assessment given. Examples of formative assessment(s) can include: questions, focused notes, readings, organization checks, smaller in-class assignments, discussion posts, graphic organizers, and/or quick writes. Formative assessments will represent 20% of the total student grade for each quarter of the course.
Grading Scale
A: 90-100%
B: 89-80%
C: 79-70%
D: 69-60%
NP: below 60%
Please refer to the Online High School Student Handbook for further information on the grading scale, make up work, retakes, and/or late work as well as academic honesty including cheating and plagiarism as well as attendance. Students can access scores, grades, missing work and/or attendance on their Schoology account.
General Expectations
- Communication and honesty
- Growth mindset
- Respect for self and others
- Do your homework when it is assigned so you don't fall behind
- Teachers were students once, too and know all the tricks. If you plagiarize they will know. Don't do it.
- If you need help, ask. We aren't that scary :)
- You must come to class or have at least a 30% in order to be marked 'present.'
- Turn in your work as soon as you do it, do not wait. Even if it's imperfect. That way teachers can see where you need help and that you are putting in your best effort.
- Effort is more important than being perfect. Broken crayons still color.
Teacher Contact
Bethany McGraw
- Google code: BMFOCUS
Susan Bohannon
- Google code: SBFOCUS