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Social Work

School Social Workers in Saint Paul Public Schools provide services and support in the areas of social/emotional learning, mental health, and trauma-informed practices. Social work services are available for special and general education students. Social work services are provided in individual, small group, and classroom-based settings.  These services include:

  • Social, emotional, and behavioral support for students
  • Assessment of student strengths & needs through observation, interviews & testing
  • Resource information & referral for families
  • Collaboration with school staff to develop & implement classroom-based interventions
  • Consultation with community agencies & other professionals

If you or your student have questions or are looking for support in these areas, please contact the SPPS Online School Social Workers, Ms. Dodd and Ms. Summers.

Did You Know?

  • Mental health problems are common, affecting 1 in 5 students from kindergarten through high school.
  • Mental health problems can affect the student’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being and can interfere with their learning and daily functioning at home and in school.
  • Students who receive mental health services improve their social-emotional functioning and academic performance.
  • In many Saint Paul Public Schools, students may have direct access to mental health services at school and during school hours.

How to Access School-Based Mental Health Services

  • Who: Metro Social Services and True Thao Counseling
  • What: Community-based partners who provide mental health services for students at SPPS Online School
  • When: Appointments during the school day or late afternoon/evening hours
  • Where: Virtual!
  • How: Contact Monika Dodd (6th-12th) at 651-252-4361 | or Julianne Summers (9-12th) at 612 548-4499 |

Community Support Services and Resources

Youth Services Network-Helping youth find shelters and services. LINK HERE 

Ramsey County Children's Mental Health Collaborative-RCCMHC is a diverse community partnership of families and child-serving agencies. Together, we work to build an integrated system of care for young people with mental health disorders and their families that supports: resilience, recovery and wellbeing! LINK HERE!

Ramsey County Crisis Teams

  • Adult-651-266-7900
  • Youth-651-266-7878

Metro Area Native American Youth and Family Services 

National Alliance on Mental Illness-Working to improve the lives of children and adults with mental illnesses and their families. LINK HERE

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.1-800-273-8255 LINK HERE

Project REACH is a Saint Paul Public Schools shelter and street-based program that promotes school stability and academic success of homeless children and youth. Fostering Connections is an SPPS program that assists with the educational stability of students placed in out-of-home care. LINK HERE

The Bridge for Youth launched its new 24-hour texting hotline for teens and families.  The crisis hotline, (612) 400-SAFE, is staffed round the clock by professional staff and volunteers, trained to de-escalate crisis, provide emotional support, and connect youth and families with critical resources.

Safe Zone is a safe place for youth ages 14-24. They offer health care, counseling, and programs for homeless youth.
Crisis Text Line Text MN to 741741 

Crisis Supports for Students & Families

Community Resources for Students & Families

Confronting Racism Resources for Students & Families

LGBTQIA Resources for Students & Families

Voting Resources for Students & Families